Technical answer

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What causes a pair of speakers to suddenly become silent during sound amplification? How to solve it?


Details / DeTail

In the process of spreading sound, sound box is suddenly silent, because the power amplifier on the output channel is overloaded, fast fuse fuse is broken, replace the fast fuse fuse of the same capacity below this kind of circumstance, reduce the level of power amplifier input signal, can restore normal operation. If the speaker is still silent after replacing the fuse, do not check whether there is a signal from the front equipment. Use the jumper method, that is, skip the previous device, the input signal of the previous device inserted into the input end of the power amplifier, if still silent, it may be the power supply of the amplifier is damaged or the power of the last stage of the two channels burned out, in order to ensure the sound expansion continues, the power amplifier should be replaced as soon as possible. It's unlikely that both speakers will burn out at the same time...

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